
Happy New Year

With my 1st post of the year I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! I have enjoyed a slow couple of weeks but at e.g.etal they have launched into the new year adding an interview with me onto their blog. Thank you to Richard who took some great photos and conducted the interview not long after I had moved into my new studio.

You can read the full interview HERE.

me at my jewellery bench, photo by Richard - e.g.etal

interview excerpt

"Basically I think humans have thought about all these things for a long time and have gathered all these stories…these stories would have come from raw feelings: being a human and being in this world, not understanding your place in it and trying to find some kind of meaning…stories help to make things easier and to make sense of things around you. In our modern world we’re a little bit…well, we’ve somewhat lost touch with those things. I like to make jewellery that can resonate with someone and their own story—giving them space to think about where their story fits in with things. Or they simply have a piece of jewellery that can remind them of something special. I guess that’s what I hope my pieces will do for people."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you too Vikki. Looking forward to viewing what you make in your new studio.


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